Limiting Belief?
What is a
A limiting belief is a thought that you hold about yourself that makes you believe something is out of reach for you.
I'm just not a creative person
Imposter syndrome
There's no time to be creative and meet deadlines
I'm afraid of being rejected
I feel like my obligations are more important
I'm too tired to be creative
I'm too tired to be creative
I feel like I have no time
I'm just not a creative person - Imposter syndrome - There's no time to be creative and meet deadlines - I'm afraid of being rejected - I feel like my obligations are more important - I'm too tired to be creative - I'm too tired to be creative - I feel like I have no time -
Break the Cycle
It’s no secret that we all hold limiting beliefs--even the most creative among us. Doubt and insecurity about oneself is deeply ingrained in human nature. We are then bound in an endless cycle where we eventually give up all together. Some time later, we’re inspired again and the loop continues.
But something powerful happens when we learn to silence our limiting beliefs.
Here’s how to
break the loop
Silencing your limiting beliefs can be challenging, so we’ve created the resources below to help. Don’t worry, we’ll also be there to guide you along the way.